What Does ClickBook Do?

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ClickBook prints files, documents, graphics, spreadsheets, or web pages from any Windows application:


As Double or Single sided.
As Books of any size.
As brochures or leaflets.
As greeting cards.
As CD Jewel Cases.
As Day Planners.
As business cards.
As Avery Labels.
As Banners of any size (Windows 7, Vista, XP, 2000, only)
As Posters of any size (Windows 7, Vista, XP, 2000, only)
As PDF files



Top Uses for ClickBook:

Print booklets of many different styles and sizes.

Print double-sided without a duplexing printer.
Print Day Planner refills.
Print organization charts or schedules on large posters.
Fit a large spreadsheet on one page with several pages on each sheet of paper.
Combine documents, web pages, and other files into a single print job.
Print an address book to fit in your day planner, purse, wallet, etc.
Create a list of songs and artists and print a booklet that will fit in a CD Jewel Case.
Design Greeting Cards or print electronic greeting cards received.
Print goals, and objectives in large formats for posting on the walls
Gather a collection of recipes and print them as a wallet booklet.
Sales & Marketing Managers use ClickBook to print media, product information, press kits, news, etc.
Posters for Schedules, Plans, Birthday, Calendars, Pictures, Charity Events, Bulletin Boards, Advertisements (Windows XP, 2000, Vista, 7 only)
Educators print handouts, assignments, lessons, ebooks, posters, etc.
Combine your documents into one convenient PDF file.


About printing books

Printing books requires a special arrangement of the pages.  ClickBook takes care of this, giving you instructions each step of the way so that the back sides are printed correctly relative to the front sides, and so that after you cut and assemble the book, the pages come out in the right order.


ClickBook has over 170  layouts to choose from, and you can create your own so the variety is endless.  The layouts that come with ClickBook enable you to print:


Sizes from poster size down to credit card size.
Suited for folding and stapling or for cutting and binding by any method.
Two "binding orientations": for binding in the left margin (and turning pages in the standard way) or in the top margin (and flipping pages up).
Pages of book oriented either as portrait or as landscape.