Label Software - ClickBook for Windows!
Easily print mailing labels, CD labels, filing labels, name badges, business cards, and post cards.
MS Word Templates Included. Easily input your company logos, graphics, personal information, notes, products, services, etc. and ClickBook prints custom tailored layouts, such as business cards, mailing labels, name badges, post cards, and CD labels.
Use the Business Card or Post Card layout to design awards, place settings, thank you cards, invitations, organization tags, spelling/math flash cards, or even as game cards for home, such as pair matching. You can even print Sunday Scripture Verses onto small cards with announcements, book references, or goals/affirmations.
Once you own this program, the possibilities are endless.
Use the mailing labels to create place settings, envelope seals, canned food jar labels, name tags, folder identifiers, organization tags, holiday fun stickers, sales clearance, and so much more.
Use the CD Labels to quickly make covers for business CDs, Real Estate listings, family history, music files, backup files, and so much more.
- Uses any standard inkjet or laser printer.
- Easy to Use and Install.
- Automatically formats files to print on custom paper and labels.
- Use with Word Art and clipart library or even Notepad for a simple Greeting Card.
ClickBook For Windows
Free Clickbook Trial for Windows |
Purchase it today, download, and begin using it today.
This program is not made, tested, or endorsed by Avery Products Corporation. Avery and all Avery brands, product names, and codes are trademarks of CCL Label, Inc. Company and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.