Feature | Spam Sleuth Enterprise | Benefit |
30-day money back guarantee |  | Purchase confidently, knowing that the software really works and is backed 100% by the company that built it. |
Online ordering with Instant delivery |  | Start eliminating spam today. |
Works with any e-mail server |  | Does not affect user's configurations. Your e-mail server stays the same whether it be a Linux server, SendMail , MS Exchange, SLMail, IMail, etc. Your users won't need to make any changes. They'll just notice the lack of spam. |
Installs in minutes |  | Quickly start eliminating spam from your entire organization. Install on the same computer as your e-mail server if it is Windows NT, 2000 or XP. Install on a different computer if your e-mail server is Linux, Solaris, etc. Either way, you're filtering spam in just minutes. |
Bayesian Analysis |  | The program uses statistics to learn what each user's e-mail and spam look like and improves its performance. |
Web Interface |  | Lets you add Friends, Spammers, GoodWords, and BadWords via your browser. Also view spam, and spam reports from any web browser. |
Learning Mode |  | You don't have to enter all of your users. Spam Sleuth Enterprise learns from your internal e-mail server which users are valid the first time an e-mail arrives for them. |
Reporting - Logging |  | Get detailed reports with graphs, bandwidth reports, e-mail load by month, day or hour, and more with tools like SawMill, WebTrends and many more. |
Challenge-Response (Turing Test) |  | Be more aggressive at marking messages as spam, because legitimate senders get a challenge request where they can go to a web site and enter a few letters to allow their message through. |
Alias Accounts |  | You can use fewer profiles and purchase fewer licenses for accounts like webmaster@..., info@..., sales@... |
All anti-spam analysis is done on the server. |  | End-users don't need to do anything to begin seeing the benefits of reduced spam. |
Allows Friends through (whitelist) |  | Gives you the ability to override all spam checking for known e-mail addresses of friends, relatives and co-workers. |
An in-house solution |  | Security is assured as no e-mails leave the Enterprise. |
Anti-Relay Features |  | Will not relay e-mail. Rejects all e-mail not belonging to your Enterprise. |
Anti-Virus |  | Detects and removes Viruses. |
Auto-Responder |  | Respond automatically when on vacation, or other times you may not be able to respond to e-mail. |
Automatic Exchange Server Config |  | Easy setup for Exchange Server users. Install on the same machine as your Exchange Server, and Exchange will be re-configured to accept e-mail after spam filtering. |
Automatic Internet Updates |  | Keeps the program up-to-date with new data, new modules, and new spam detecting abilities to keep your InBox clean. |
Blocks known spam by e-mail address |  | Lets you clean up your InBox by adding frequent e-mailers to the block list. |
Bounce junk e-mail |  | Tricks the spammers by letting them know their e-mail was undeliverable. They remove you from their list and you get less spam. |
Checks for missing Reply address |  | If the sender doesn't want you to reply, the reply address may be blank possibly indicating spam. |
Checks for valid recipient |  | Checks to make sure that the e-mail was sent to one of your e-mail addresses and not Homeowner, Potential Customer or some other vague name. Blocks spam that isn't sent directly to you. |
Checks if 'From' and 'Reply To' differ |  | If these addresses differ it may indicate deception and could be spam. |
Checks messages against IP/DNS blacklists |  | Checks e-mails to see if they were sent by known spam servers. Eliminates spam from known sources to help keep your InBox clean. |
Compresses spam holding box |  | Stores spam compressed in the temporary holding area to use as little disk space as possible, but still allow you to recover improperly tagged e-mail messages. |
Dangerous attachment removal |  | Removes dangerous attachments that can be executed and often contain viruses. |
Detects excessive recipients |  | Keep junk e-mail out by not accepting e-mail that was sent to dozens of people. |
E-mail Stamps |  | Charge senders a fee to pass e-mail through to an inbox |
Each user can configure their own settings |  | Optionallly let individuals control spam. |
Eliminates spam instead of just sorting it |  | Keeps your e-mail server from getting burdened and overloaded with excessive junk e-mail. Spam is tightly compressed and available temporarily. |
Encrypted profanity file |  | Hides the profanity data and data file from young innocent eyes. |
Expandable with additional analyzers |  | The program can grow and adapt to new criteria or new e-mail threats. |
Flags e-mail with dangerous attachments as spam |  | Flags e-mail with dangerous attachments, or any type of file as spam. Keeps dangerous attachments from being accidentally run on your computer. |
Friendly Windows client program |  | Easy to use client program lets each user adjust his/her settings. |
Fuzzy logic or score based |  | The program can evaluate many criteria when deciding how to handle spam. |
Hobbies and Interests analysis |  | Allows e-mails that contain information useful to you. Allows e-mail that pertains to your interests. |
HTML Volume analysis |  | Analyzes e-mail for excessive use of large fonts, bright colors and other spam-like characteristics. |
Imports from address book |  | Helps by preconfiguring your list of acceptable e-mail addresses from friends, relatives and co-workers. |
Load Balancing and Fault Tolerance |  | Use multiple Spam Sleuth servers to handle large e-mail loads, and for automatic fail-over. |
Mail Record check |  | Checks to make sure there is a valid IP address to reply to if you decide to. Helps keep your InBox clean by rejecting e-mail that comes from spammers who don't want to be contacted by e-mail. |
Mailing List detection by user. |  | Allow mailing lists to which an individual user subscribes. |
Maintenance |  | Offers 1 year of Telephone Technical Support, and Product Updates. |
Master blacklist (spammers) for entire organization |  | Add spammers to the master list so the entire organization is protected. Individual users also have their own spammers list. |
Master Mailing List detection for entire organization. |  | Allow important mailing lists for the entire organization. |
Master whitelist (friends) for entire organization |  | Add partner companies quickly with one wildcard entry to the Master whitelist so important e-mail gets through for everybody. Individual users also have their own whitelist. |
Multiple account support |  | Can clean spam from one to a hundred thousand accounts. |
Optional audio indicator of spam |  | Lets you know audibly when the program had detected and removed spam. |
Optional Tag Mode |  | Filter out spam at the server, or use Tag Mode to tag the spam so it can be filtered or categorized by an e-mail program like Outlook, or Eudora by looking for the X-Text-Classification header. |
Organizational AND personal whitelists |  | Admin can add partners and other common senders, while user can add their own personal contacts. |
Passthrough accounts |  | Set accounts to passthrough with no analysis. |
Phishing Scam Prevention |  | Fake URL detection helps prevent unsolicited messages from reaching your inbox. |
Profanity filter |  | Watches for profanity and flags e-mails with excessive profanity as spam |
Quick clicks add friends to acceptable list |  | Quickly add your friends, relatives and co-workers to the acceptable list. |
Quick clicks add spammer to reject list |  | Quickly add spammers to the block list so that you aren't bothered by them again. |
Regular Expressions |  | Allows powerful searches of complex patterns in e-mail text to match just about anything. |
Removes dangerous script from HTML e-mails |  | Keeps dangerous e-mails from launching porn laden pages, or redirecting you to another site. |
Removes External Images |  | Keeps you from automatically sending information back to the spammer. External Images can contain web-bugs that transmit your e-mail back to the spammer so they know you're looking at their junk e-mail. |
Removes HTML formatting |  | Get just the meat of the message by removing font formatting and leaving just the text. |
Removes HTML links |  | Keeps kids out of trouble by removing potentially hazardous HTML links they can click on. |
Removes Internal Images |  | Can keep potentially pornographic images from being displayed in children's e-mail. |
Reverse DNS Lookup |  | Use the sender's Internet Protocol address listed in the message header to query a Domain Name Server to make sure the sender's domain matches the sending domain listed in the message header. trimMail Inbox performs a reverse DNS lookup, and adds results to its message score. |
Scalable |  | Use more computers to handle large volumes of e-mail. Single configuration for multiple Spam Sleuth servers. |
Search Filtered Messages |  | Use AND, OR, NEAR search types to quickly find keywords, and phrases in trapped messages. |
SMTP check |  | Checks to make sure there is a valid e-mail server available if you decide to reply. Helps keep your InBox clean by rejecting e-mail that comes from spammers who don't want to be contacted by e-mail. |
Spam words checking |  | Keeps you from getting e-mail that contains excessive usage of words normally contained in spam such as free, viagra, prize, flat-hose, etc. |
SPF Lookup |  | SPF fights email address forgery. The result: your mailbox fills up with bounces to messages that you didn't send. Close the hole, and we can easily block spammers by sender domain. |
Stores spam for X days |  | Gives you a chance to get an e-mail back if it was incorrectly tagged as spam. |
Subject analysis |  | Looks for spam indicators and removes e-mail that has spam-like subjects. |
Supports wildcards for blocking spam by e-mail address |  | Quickly add an entire company to the blacklist. |
Text Analysis |  | Performs heuristics text analysis |
User Notify |  | Automatically e-mails users to let them know they are protected from spam, and informs them of their options for tuning. |
Wildcards for allowing friends |  | Eliminates the need to enter every e-mail address for co-workers. Just add *@mycompany.com to allow all e-mail from mycompany.com. |
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