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WebWhacker 5.0
Q:  Can I duplicate the directory structure of a Website?
  Yes, Please select the check box for Preserve Site Structure under the Tools, Options, Grabbing tab.

Q:  In WebWhacker 3.2 I used to be able to double- click on a Url and it would open the browser, how do I turn this feature on or off?
A:  WebWhacker 2000 is designed to work like your Windows Explorer, so when you Double click on a Url it moves down a level. You can easily turn this feature on or off by going to Tools, Options, View tab and deselecting or selecting Double Clicking Browses Rather than Moving Down a Level.

Q:  Can you give me some tips for secure use of WebWhacker 2000 to allow kids at my school to browse web pages without connection to the internet. (I work at a youth prison and the kids must not be allowed any access to the internet) This product sounds like it will work, but I was wondering if you had any tips so I could ensure they would not access the internet through the program. Thanks for any help or advice you can provide.
A:  You have a couple of options:

1) To make sure they can't get online, make sure that the computers cannot access the Internet. Take away the internet connection from those computers. WebWhacker cannot stop a computer from going online, it can only provide content that has been pre-whacked.

2) You can whack all the sites that you want them to have access to and then put them on a network drive, and then point their browser to the network drive. Point it at the wwhlines.htm file.

Where you've put all the sites in the Entertainment folder in WebWhacker and then copied your My Documents\WebWhacker directory to a network drive that their machines can access.

You can also whack information on the machine that they will be using, and then go to the Tools/Options... Proxy tab and turn on the Local Proxy Cache. This will set up a small web server on that machine. Then go to the icon in the tray and right-click and choose Options... and put a check mark by Offline mode. This will keep the proxy from accessing the Internet. Then the students will access the WebWhacker content with regular URLs like ""


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